Faith Capsules

Spiritual Intelligence

People may be telling you one thing while they are planning and plotting to completely undermine you. With spiritual intelligence, you can stay one step ahead of all the plots of the devil to lead you to sin and evil and so undermine your spiritual authority.

Excerpt from book ‘Spiritual Intelligence’.

The Manifestation of Sons

No matter what you are going through, look at it in the context of the glory that is going to be revealed in your life through it and beyond. If a man goes through big challenges and deprivations and comes on top with testimonies of God’s faithfulness and goodness, that testimony of God’s goodness, the memory of the challenge diminishes considerably when the glory of God is revealed to prevail over those circumstances.

Excerpt from message ‘The Manifestation of Sons’.

Just a Prayer Away

The injunction to ask, seek and knock reveals the man who will not go away; and will not take ‘No’ for an answer but will persist and insist until he or she is answered.

Excerpt from message ‘Just a Prayer Away’.

Pathway to Conversational Prayer

There are people who move from fellowship to fellowship and from preacher to preacher, seeking to know the mind of God about one thing in their lives or the other.

Sometimes this is no more than spiritual laziness, or more appropriately, a human penchant for short-cuts. They cannot submit themselves to the word of God in order to achieve this cleavage between their soul and their spirit so that their human spirit can freely sense the Spirit of God and transmit the information to a prepared and functioning receptor, the soul. They would rather have someone else do it for them, and tell them whatever it is that God is saying.

Excerpt from ‘Pathway to Conversational Prayer

The Convert and the Counsellor

“As they approached Jerusalem and came to Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of His disciples, saying to them, Go to the village ahead of you, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you doing this?’ tell him, The Lord needs it…” [Mark 11:1-3 NIV] ………..Read more

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