THE BEATITUDES: The Spiritual Overhauling Kit

THE BEATITUDES: The Spiritual Overhauling Kit


Am a new creation, am a brand new man
When you hum that tune inside, how does it make you feel? – Am a new creation. I am a brand new man. Old things are passed away, I am born again. Doesn’t your pace quicken, and isn’t there a surge of the Spirit in your heart that is warm and deep? It confirms that something happened to you after all when you said “yes” to our Lord Jesus. But then you pause to reflect: How new am I really? That’s when you stop to realize: Oh Yea! We all need an overhaul to conform to His image.
We all need various degrees of an overhaul when we come to Jesus. No question about that.
And now the kit for the overhaul!
O, how happy are the poor in spirit! O, how happy are those who are grieved by sin, theirs, and others! O how happy are the meek, the pure in heart, the peacemakers and hear this: Those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
Our Lord Jesus gave us the Beatitudes to get us started. And even when we are well on our way, the Beatitudes are still needed to ensure that we stay focused.
The Beatitudes is an overhauling kit to get us started on the road to being like Jesus.
This book is a ‘must-have’ for all who desire to effectively carry out the commission of discipleship, pastoral care, and ministry.

Hard copy

Print length

125 pages

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