THE Convert and the Counsellor

THE Convert and the Counsellor


Quite a few people are curious about the Christian life. Some just want to understand it in a simple way before making up their mind. There are those who have just come into it and are trying to figure it out. Then there are also those who have been in it for a while but still have some difficulty saying exactly what it is they believe. On the other side are those who are doing the explaining and counseling all the time who need to be sure that they have not left anything out, which the young believer needs to know. Since it was first published in 1990, over 15 thousand copies have been sold or distributed to young believers and their counselors. This 3rd edition has been extensively revised and new materials added to ensure that every believer in Christ is standing on a solid foundation. The style is unique and as many have testified, it anticipates the question on the lips of the counsellee and provides the answer. My prayer is that those who read this book will be helped to grasp the fundamentals of their faith and may in turn rise to help others.

Print length

104 pages

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